Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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What kind of choice for breast augmentation autologous breast

Drop, discussions with high profile or low, high projection. These are some types of implants to choose from when making an breast enhancement, but give guidance?
First before taking the action we have to give clear guidance to the doctor, as we would like our breast, which cuts get. Based on these assumptions, the specialist will examine the best profile and the prosthesis that best adatterà alla nostra figura corporea.

Le protesi per la mastoplastica sono di 2 tipi: riempite con silicone coesivo gel, oppure con soluzione salina. Entrambi i prodotti sono efficaci e sicuri al 100% , anche in caso di rottura il materiale non fuoriesce dall'involucro esterno e possono durare per sempre anche se in questo le case che le producono non si spingono a garantire piu' di 10 anni.

In ogni caso ed in maniera indicativa questi sono i differenti tipi di protesi che vengono proposti per una mastoplastica:
-Rotonde a basso profilo: nei casi di aumento lieve e sollevamento di un seno sceso dopo ad esempio weight loss or pregnancy (very rarely requested by patients).
-round with a high profile: for an effect of the womb "bursting", decided. It fills the air very top of the breast causing a plastic, a bit 'fake but very much in demand by young girls aged 20 to 25 years or in 40-year career that they want to get within striking.
drop-prostheses, anatomical you can have in average projection, and projection fairly high. Used to obtain a soft bosom, not tall but sexy Latin, are also used for the breasts very released, wanting to reach a compromise between forms volume and better without the vertical scar mastopexy.
Prosthesis-bead screening very high: indicated for girls with very high small breast or no breast or from a 'hanging low. Also ideal for those who want big breasts, are not suitable for all, must bring sapute.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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cause psoriasis in women? :: VIP

Un recente studio statunitense, ha evidenziato come il bere birra da parte delle donne, può essere una delle cause della psoriasi. Infatti, i ricercatori hanno stabilito tramite test, che nelle donne bere più di due birre alla settimana, causa un aumento del rischio nell'insorgenza della psoriasi. Lo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Archives of Dermatology, è stato eseguito da un gruppo di ricercatori dell'Harvard Medical School negli Stati Uniti, per evidenziare come la quantità di birra assunta incide moltissimo sullo sviluppo di tale malattia. Infatti secondo le statistiche di ricerca, due birre alla settimana aumentano il rischio di circa l'80%; se le birre salgono a cinque, allora il rischio aumenta di circa il doppio rispetto alle donne che non assumono alcuna bevanda.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

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increase, with its own fat, a study

Over the past 30 years there has been increasing interest in increasing or in an autologous breast reconstruction with their own fat without the use of implants. The limitations of this technique were mainly two:
-injected autologous fat in the breast leading to the formation cysts, calcifications, necrosis of fat that could be shared with the X-ray calcifications as
cancer-the second point is that they did not know the time of resorption of the fat that just disappeared taking with them the volume of the breast.

A study by the Department of Plastic Surgery Saint Louis Hospital in Paris has tried to shed light on all this monitoring over time (1983 to 2007) the state of the breast by about 820 patients operated on for a reconstruction of breast with its fat.

were formed three groups:
-first group: women operated on for an asymmetry of the breast after mastectomy
-Second group: women operated on for congenital breast asymmetry
-third group of women operated on for an increase in breast volume

The average age of patients was 45.6 years with peaks of 19 and 78 years.

complications highlighted by 'operation were: bruising to 76 patients, formation of atrophic striae on the breasts for 36 patients, hematoma in 12 women and 5 patients suffering from infections.

670 patients was carried out on a mammogram after 6 months and 1 year. It was noted that the problems were more to the surface and were mostly within 6 months: indurimento della mammella, necrosi del grasso, formazioni di cisti . La formazione invece di calcificazioni e tumori che si sviluppavano nella regione non erano invece connesse con l'operazione, come hanno dimostrato le analisi fatte a lungo termine in una arco di 2-25 anni.
Sebbene l'operazione di aumento del seno autologa abbia dato risultati estetici soddisfacenti per coloro che cercavano una crescita del volume delle mammelle (terzo gruppo) un 36% si è ritenuto insoddisfatto della grandezza.

Per questo motivo, per innalzare il grado di soddisfazione delle pazienti, gli autori dello studio suggeriscono di affiancare a questa metodica la tecnica (ADSCs), autologous adipose-derived stem cells, or an increase breast stem cells that give most 'long-term reliability and lower riassorbibilità of' fatty tissue.

Friday, July 16, 2010

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Increase Breast transaction prices, the money spent after a

The price of an operation to increase breast are highly variable and may be influenced by different components. We now give a rough idea for the sum to be spent on future patients. Last year the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has made a calculation, a breast augmentation has cost an average of 4 thousand dollars with 4500 and saline implants with implants silicone. Since we can do a conversion to the euro 1 to 1 computing in the United States breast operations are cheaper, and then the average price in Italy is between 4 thousand and € 4500 .

This is the premise. We go into the details and try to understand what are the individual costs that create the final price of an 'operation to increase breast.
-examination and analysis of pre-operative . Usually the visit will be deducted from the final cost, but the analysis you need to do before the surgery include blood, urine, ECG and sometimes chest plates. Cost about 150 €.
- prosthesis. The cost of a prosthesis for breast depends on two factors: the size, how much material is then used and the component with which they are made. A silicone implants is about 30% more than saline. Cost about € 800/1300.
-surgeon, anesthesiologist, operating room . It 's the most important piece, one that makes up the final price. To perform a breast augmentation will need a 'medical team made up by then' anesthesiologist, the surgeon who will perform the operation and at least a couple of other figures such as medical instruments operating in an operating room presa in affitto o di proprietà del centro medico dove si effettua l'intervento.Costo circa 2500/3500 euro.
-Bendaggi, medicinali ed eventualmente seno contenitivo post-operatorio . Costo circa 100 euro.

Ovviamente i prezzi per rifarsi il seno possono variare e specialmente lievitare verso l'alto. Come avete notato la parte più importante del costo deriva dall' onorario dei medici. Quindi la fama di un buon chirurgo fa la differenza. Così come differenze ci possono essere se la mastoplastica viene effettuata al sud Italia in città ad esempio come Napoli o Palermo, dove la vita è meno cara o al Nord come Bologna, Milano o Torino. Per non parlare di coloro che effettuano un'operazione di aumento seno all' estero . Li' si può risparmiare anche il 50% del prezzo, ma c'è da mettere in conto il viaggio, il soggiorno e fidarsi del medico che opererà.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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Infliximab: documented adverse reactions during treatment with biological

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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Stretch Marks Breast enhancement, attention to the pill

Attenzione a chi usa la pillola contraccettiva dopo un'operazione di aumento seno, potrebbero svilupparsi fastidiose smagliature proprio sul petto. E' il risultato di uno studio condotto dall' unità di chirurgia plastica del Carmel Medical Center di Haifa in Israele.
I medici hanno osservato quello che accadeva ad una ragazza di 17 anni subito dopo l'intervento di mastoplastica. Il soggetto aveva started taking daily birth control pills for 4 months, were formed stretch marks (striae distensae) on the breast area. After taking the pill and started a series of applications with tretinoin cream (during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not possible to use this cream) stretch marks are gone.
The formation of stretch marks is usually multifactorial due to mechanical stretching, age, hormonal and genetic and familial predisposition . Although no and changes to the endocrine system have a role in the development of atrophic striae. In this case, the stretch marks have appeared when the patient was started taking the contraceptive pill Mercillon and went away after you stop taking it.
For the doctors of 'the Haifa hospital in patients who undergo an' operation to increase breastfeeding should be sensitized and informed about the link contraceptive pill-appearance stretch marks if that were already present before the 'intervention of the breast may worse later.

Here the text of the search for 'hospital in Haifa .

Monday, March 8, 2010

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GUNA SpA is launching a clinical research project

Guna S.p.A, azienda leader nel campo delle medicine complementari, ha dato il via da circa due anni ad un importante Progetto di Ricerca Clinica con l’intento di comprendere meglio l’azione farmacologica di alcune molecole biologiche preparate secondo metodiche innovative.

All’interno del Progetto di Ricerca Clinica di Guna S.p.A, vengono e verranno condotti studi riguardanti patologie importanti, ed i farmaci utilizzati in sperimentazione sono prodotti già in commercio, utilizzati da centinaia di medici, assolutamente sicuri e privi di effetti collaterali.

Uno degli studi in corso riguarda il trattamento biologico della Psoriasi volgare .

Lo studio dal titolo: “Citochine low-dose nel trattamento della psoriasi volgare” sarà effettuato con farmaci Adjustment of Physiological Medicine (PRM).

This is a multicenter pilot clinical study, randomized, double-blind crossover alternated according to a model of the total duration of six months, aims to determine the efficacy and safety of low-dose therapy with cytokines (IL-4, IL -10 and IL-11) in patients with mild psoriasis.

The criteria for admission to the study are:
  • aged between 18 and 70 years
  • less than PASI 10 ( Calculate here your )
  • not take drugs antipsoriasis systemic (by mouth or injection) from at least 3 months
  • antipsoriasis not use topical medications (creams and ointments) at least 15 days
Exclusion criteria from the study are:
  • psoriasis guttate, palmoplantar, erythrodermic or pustular
  • patients treated for other diseases with topical steroids and / or systemic anti-TNF drugs and immunoregulatory / immunosuppressants.
Patients who fall into these criteria and who wish to take part in clinical trials can search among participating physicians study closest to them and write to vincenzo.miranda @ for more information.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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& Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI)

Friday, February 12, 2010

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Breast reconstruction with its own fat and stem cells

We had previously spoken of the possibility of increasing the breast stem cells, now the same company (Cytori) that is working on the project published the results of recent tests carried out on 32 women who have breast reconstruction with the own fat. The monitoring went on for six months and the results were discussed at the annual breast cancer symposium held in San Diego.
This new technique of breast reconstruction no longer provides the use of breast implants with the use of silicone or saline but a transplant of their own fat removed by liposuction from parts such as abdomen and thighs. The same fat is processed and enriched with stem cells to be transplanted in the breasts. The only problem is the possible lack of fat people too thin. In each case the technique is quite simple, you use a car, 800/CRS Celution System, patented by Cytori. In so
case of the results presented 73% of patients expressed satisfaction. On a scale of one to five (five very satisfied - very dissatisfied zero), the mean score of patients has increased over time, from 2.8 immediately after the operation to 3.9 after 6 months, time has shaped breasts by improving psychologically forma.Anche patients improved after breast reconstruction, compliance increased from 3.1 to to 4.1 after 6 months. The average age of the 32 patients was 52 years and the mean volume of fat has been implanted in the womb of 106 ml per breast (one patient had both breasts reconstructed).
General anesthesia was used for the majority of patients (32 out of 33 during liposuction and 20 to 33 for the re-injection). In 24 patients we used a single donor site, two sites in eight patients and one patient in three sites were used for liposuction. The abdomen was the favorite part for the collection of fat (28 of total of 43 collection sites). An operative complication was reported. One patient had a hematoma in anticoagulant therapy post-operatively which resolved without damage. Satisfaction scores of patients were based are based on symmetry, scars, pigmentation and overall deformity of the breast.
The shape of the breast is improved in 58% of patients improved significantly in 13%, remained stable in 29%. No patient had adverse changes in the overall shape of the breast.
Obviously Cytori is also interested in using this technique for breast augmentation and a breast augmentation for aesthetic, in our country should arrive soon, meanwhile, already in England and Israel, there are specialists who use .

research results of Cytori

Thursday, January 28, 2010

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Treating psoriasis with Mangosteen

I pick the invitation of Barbara, who talks about his experience and provides a wealth of documentation about it:

From about 5 months. I'm drinking a fruit juice 100% all natural, made from mangosteen juice, fruit of Southeast Asia with incredible properties. Before you try it I did some research, I gathered material, and then I jumped. My psoriasis is disappearing and my physique has drawn enormous benefits (for example. I have regularized the gut, I have more energy, have lost weight). But my family and friends have experienced great positive changes in their health, I could tell her experiences as diverse as people with diabetes in which blood glucose is lowered, people who have settled cholesterol, my husband is missing even a cyst.

  • (or trying xanthones xanthones + Garcinia mangostana)
  • site of a team of Mexican doctors studied only the Garcinia mangostana (scientific name of the fruit from which the product) that leads to knowledge is not limited to studies performed, but also a multitude of stories from people who have had benefits taking this product. They are classified by pathology. The site is in English, of course, but you can translate directly from the home page allows choosing the Italian idiom.
  • site in English highly regarded in the medical field where to find more detailed information on studies performed. In a section of the site speaks Dr. Templeman (called Mangosteen Doctor), a leading expert with regard to the properties of the Mangosteen.
  • American Cancer Society's website, where you have different information by typing in the search string "mangosteen juice" another site in English where to find very many examples.
  • another site to navigate.
  • is the official website of Xango, English Inside there is a link that allows access to the official blog. The Italian site was activated in early November, a month of opening of the Italian market.
  • site information racchiude molte informazioni interessanti ed è in costante aggiornamento.
Qualcun'altro ha esperienze simili da condividere?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

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some exercise to increase breast

Not all women want to use the breast, so you must find some good exercise for breast enlargement, provided that there are. Do not expect miracles, but something can be done, but first I remember how it is structured the female breast.
There are four elements that compose it:
glandular tissue : is located in the superficial dermis and develops with the onset of female puberty, increases in certain stages of life such as pregnancy and lactation.
connective tissue: it is divided into two layers, a thicker surface and the other deeper, more subtle, separated by a membrane fiber connected to the clavicle.
adipose tissue: is what characterizes the size of the breast and cleavage, and consists of clusters of adipocytes, the skin surrounding it and support it, it is the fatty tissue of the breast that must be cared for more. If the skin retains its elasticity over time the breast will be swollen and will stand more sag.

After this preamble let's take a closer look at some exercises to increase breast
  • the classic " stomach in and chest out " is always effective to obtain a push-up. The breasts are in fact free and are based on the pectoral muscles, which if well developed and accompanied by back straight and shoulders open even make women who do not have a measure of abundant breasts. Also increase as valid within the jets of cold water. Twenty seconds each time you take a shower call the muscles and skin tissues.
  • work on his shoulders with this exercise: standing, legs spread all 'height of the shoulders, knees slightly bent. With the 1 or 2 kg dumbbell lateral raises his arms to form a straight line with your shoulders. Ten to fifteen repetitions for 2 / 3 series.
  • work on pettoriali: breast enhancement is needed to increase a little 'volume petto.Gambe slightly apart and knees soft contested the dumbbells. Arms to 90 degrees above the shoulders to form a "U" with your head in the middle. Bring your elbows in front of your chest and bring them back to the starting position. Ten to fifteen repetitions for 2 / 3 serie.Anche the usual ups can be effective.
also remember that the size of the breast are subject to hormonal changes that for instance in the premenstrual period're pushing the volume.Approfittate of this period and then to show off your best low-cut dress.