Monday, September 6, 2010

Does Your Period Affect Your Running

increase, with its own fat, a study

Over the past 30 years there has been increasing interest in increasing or in an autologous breast reconstruction with their own fat without the use of implants. The limitations of this technique were mainly two:
-injected autologous fat in the breast leading to the formation cysts, calcifications, necrosis of fat that could be shared with the X-ray calcifications as
cancer-the second point is that they did not know the time of resorption of the fat that just disappeared taking with them the volume of the breast.

A study by the Department of Plastic Surgery Saint Louis Hospital in Paris has tried to shed light on all this monitoring over time (1983 to 2007) the state of the breast by about 820 patients operated on for a reconstruction of breast with its fat.

were formed three groups:
-first group: women operated on for an asymmetry of the breast after mastectomy
-Second group: women operated on for congenital breast asymmetry
-third group of women operated on for an increase in breast volume

The average age of patients was 45.6 years with peaks of 19 and 78 years.

complications highlighted by 'operation were: bruising to 76 patients, formation of atrophic striae on the breasts for 36 patients, hematoma in 12 women and 5 patients suffering from infections.

670 patients was carried out on a mammogram after 6 months and 1 year. It was noted that the problems were more to the surface and were mostly within 6 months: indurimento della mammella, necrosi del grasso, formazioni di cisti . La formazione invece di calcificazioni e tumori che si sviluppavano nella regione non erano invece connesse con l'operazione, come hanno dimostrato le analisi fatte a lungo termine in una arco di 2-25 anni.
Sebbene l'operazione di aumento del seno autologa abbia dato risultati estetici soddisfacenti per coloro che cercavano una crescita del volume delle mammelle (terzo gruppo) un 36% si è ritenuto insoddisfatto della grandezza.

Per questo motivo, per innalzare il grado di soddisfazione delle pazienti, gli autori dello studio suggeriscono di affiancare a questa metodica la tecnica (ADSCs), autologous adipose-derived stem cells, or an increase breast stem cells that give most 'long-term reliability and lower riassorbibilità of' fatty tissue.


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