Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Macrolane breast augmentation surgeon

For those that want to use scalpels, implants and live with the scars, there is an alternative: increasing breast with Macrolane. And 'the registered trade name and therefore of' hyaluronic acid that is used in other cosmetic surgery, such as to increase the volume of the lips. It is a substance already present in our body which unfortunately tends to decrease with time and serves to maintain this the elasticity of the connective tissue and gives shape and consistency.
Everything beautiful and wonderful: Hyaluronic acid is not carcinogenic and could be a good substitute for breast enhancement operation, but ... there is one though. The Macrolane is reversible in that it has a limited life. Here is what is its weak point, and the fact that in case of mammography, the radiologist must warn that it may exchange the substance for cancer. The Macrolane
at best lasts no longer than 18 months on average in a year is absorbed 50% of the new volume generated. As mentioned no specific contraindications. The operation lasts an hour and the surgeon uses a syringe to inject the breast, 'hyaluronic acid. There are no scars, and in rare cases are reported of inflammation. You can leave the clinic soon after with unl breast bigger than a size. We're talking about a size because it is difficult to go beyond, we are not implanting the prosthesis, so there is a physical limit beyond which we can not go, who needs a more substantial volume of cleavage
must turn to the classical operation aumento del seno. I costi? Meno di una mastoplastica ma non economicissimi. Per una taglia in più c'è bisogno di 200ml di Macrolane, prezzo 2mila euro da aggiungere alla parcella del chirurgo.

Monday, November 2, 2009

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Determination of the Efficacy and Safety of Psirelax in the Relief of the Disease in Psoriasis

Condition:   Mild to Moderate Psoriasis

Intervention:   Drug: Psirelax

Sponsor:   Etwal Ltd.

Completed - verified October 2009


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Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Indigo Naturalis Oil Extract on Psoriatic Nails

Condition:   Nail Psoriasis

Intervention:   Drug: indigo naturalis oil extract

sponsor: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Active, not recruiting - verified October 2009

http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00999687?term=psoriasis&rcv_d = 14

This article was sent using my Viigo.
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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A diabetes drug migliorebbe effectiveness dell'Acitretina

According to a study presented at the World Congress of Prague, the association between pioglitazone (or rosiglitazone) and acitretin would lead to an improvement in 64% of cases compared to 52% with acitretin alone.

The glitazones bind to a nuclear receptor called PPAR gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma), which is mainly expressed in adipocytes and (to a lesser extent) in the liver and skeletal muscles.
According to the authors, the activation of PPAR-gamma may inhibit proliferation and induce cell differentiation.

(Source: Skin and Allergy News )

( More articles on PubMed )

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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Back to the breast, remove breast implants

In mezzo a tante donne che si recano dal chirurgo plastico per aumentare il proprio seno ci sono quelle che ci tornano per un'operazione di "rimozione". Le cause possono essere dovute principalmente alla sostituzione delle protesi.
Nel corso del tempo può avvenire una rottura delle stesse che generalmente provoca un afflosciamento della mammella oppure una ptosi, spostamento di un seno rispetto alla sincronia dell' altro. Le protesi utilizzate nella mastoplastica non sono eterne (Whether used as a saline or silicone gel), many manufacturing companies give a warranty of 10 years, but breakage and deformation may take place before the decade or why not long after.
The implant rupture is a major cause, then there is the complication due to capsular contracture: after a breast enhancement operation is formed all around the implant scar tissue (fibrous cap) that sometimes shakes so hard the prosthesis that deforms or crushes. If the capsular contracture is mild, a breast that looks hard or leggermento is down, you can solve everything with a massage in the specific area, but if the contracture is severe you must return sotto i ferri del chirurgo. A quel punto bisogna fare tutta la trafila dell' operazione, il medico utilizzerà gli stessi tagli della precedente mastoplastica per estrarre e intrudurre una protesi. Purtroppo il rischio di una nuova contrattura capsulare sarà di nuovo presente ed è piu' alto proprio per il fatto che già è accaduto.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mean Initiation Ideas

Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes in an Online Teledermatology Model for the Management of Psoriasis FDA

Condition: Psoriasis

Interventions: Other: Online Teledermatology Care, Other: Conventional Office Care

Sponsor: University of California, Davis

Recruiting - verified September 2009


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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: anti-TNF increase the risk of lymphomas

The FDA notified healthcare professionals that the use of TNF blockers increase the risk of lymphomas and other types of tumors.

The Food and Drug Administration, the Institute of American drug control, issued a statement announcing that, following the completion of the review of the analysis on the safety of biological drugs anti-tumor necrosis factor, which are used to the treatment of various autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease, appeared to show an increased risk of lymphomas and leukemias with these drugs nei bambini e negli adolescenti.

La scheda tecnica riporta adesso un black- warning in cui si menziona il rischio di neoplasie senza menzionare specificamente la leucemia. La FDA ha richiesto un aggiornamento anhe del foglietto illustrativo in modo che i pazienti possano essere consapevolmente informati di questo rischio.

Fonte: FDA http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm175843.htm

Friday, August 28, 2009

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Increase its fat by liposuction and stem

Torniamo ancora a parlare di aumento seno con le cellule staminali e tramite lipoaspirazione. Una pratica diversa da quella proposta dalla Celution per ingrandire il seno con le cellule staminali , ma fondamentalmente uguale nella pratica, è quella chiamata CAL (Cell assisted lipotransfer) lipotrasferimento assistito di cellule. Il proprio grasso trasferito in altre zone del corpo (vedi seno) può resistere al tempo solo se contiene una elevata quantità di cellule vitali. In pratica si preleva con l'uso di microcannule da 2,5 mm di diametro grasso proprio da zone ricche di adipe come cosce o addome. Il grasso viene successivamente "lavorato", arricchito con cellule staminali e poi iniettato nelle mammelle, non ci sono cicatrici come avviene nelle normali operazioni chirurgiche di mastoplastica che prevedono l'immissione di protesi al silicone. Sul senso del significato "lavorato" possiamo scrivere un trattato medico e non saremo nemmeno in grado di farci capire: basta sapere che con la tecnica di lipotrasferimento assistito di cellule metà del grasso prelevato viene isolato, centrifuged and washed, then recombined with the other half, so that is enriched with stem cells derived from adipose tissue that comes from the patient. There will be no need for other bodies or foreign substances.
Experiments were carried out on forty patients aged between 20 and 62 years, here if you are familiar with English can check the source of the document from which we extrapolated the data. Transplantation of adipose tissue for breast augmentation was successfully performed in all cases with a timetable for the operation that has gone from 35 to 60 minutes for both breasts. The cases of bleeding under the skin, which occurred occasionally in some parts of the breast, resolved in one or two weeks. It took two months to absorb the fat graft breast (most occurred in the first month) and at the end of the next 6 months there has been an increase in breast volume from 4 to 8 cm, equivalent to 100-200 ml volumes in piu ', corresponding to one or two bra sizes increase .
Compared with a conventional breast implants with the technique of lipo fat grafting in her womb showed more breast 'smaller and' low but more 'natural and soft to tatto.Sono been reported in some cases, small cysts, less 12 mm, as detected by magnetic resonance imaging and mammography with microcalcification after 2 years after surgery.
L'idea di non dover ricorrere a qualcosa di estraneo che viene impiantato nel proprio corpo è bellissima, ma ricordiamo che la tecnica di lipoasiprazione del proprio grasso iniettato nel proprio seno per aumentarne il volume non è praticabile su tutte le donne. Una paziente magra non potrà mai "donare" quantità di adipe sufficienti per aumentare nemmeno di una taglia di seno, in quei casi l'unica soluzione è ricorrere alla classica mastoplastica additiva che utilizza protesi di silicone o soluzione salina.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Counter-offer For Insurance Company Settlement

Safety Study of the Monoclonal Antibody Teplizumab (MGA031) in Subjects With Moderate or More Severe Psoriasis

Condition: Psoriasis

Intervention: Biological: teplizumab

Sponsors: MacroGenics; Eli Lilly and Company

Not yet recruiting - verified August 2009


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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aminopterin Pharmacokinetic Study in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis Psoriasis

Condition: Psoriasis

Intervention: Drug: Aminopterin

Sponsors: Syntrix Biosystems, Inc.; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Recruiting - verified July 2009


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Condition: Psoriasis

Interventions: Drug: Fluphenazine; Drug: Placebo

Sponsors: Tufts Medical Center; Immune Control

Recruiting - verified June 2009


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Fluphenazine Hydrochloride for Safety and Efficacy of Adalimumab in Patients Who Showed an Unsatisfactory Response to etanercept

Condition: Plaque Psoriasis

Interventions: Drug: Adalimumab; Drug: Adalimumab; Drug: Adalimumab

Sponsors: Innovaderm Research Inc., Abbott

Completed - verified June 2009

http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2 / show/NCT00927069? term = psoriasis

Sunday, July 12, 2009

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What to wear after an increase in breast wardrobe

E' un problema. Dopo un'operazione di aumento seno le nostre misure sono cambiate. Siamo magari passate da una prima ad una terza, da una seconda ad una quarta oppure abbiamo addirittura scalato 3 taglie in su. Abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo guardaroba e soprattutto abbiamo bisogno di nuovi costumi per il mare e di cambiare tutta la nostra lingerie. Dopo tanta sofferenza è giusto anche dare risalto alle nuove forme che ci hanno regalato con la mastoplastica. Alcuni chirurghi consigliamo di aspettare almeno 3 mesi per comprare un reggiseno, quello definitivo, ma possono passare anche sei mesi prima che le protesi "scendano" e si sistemino in maniera più naturale. Evitate di spendere quindi tanti soldi per i vostri completini intimi all' indomani dell' intervento di aumento seno, le mammelle devono ancora modellarsi in maniera definitiva.
Negli Stati Uniti, dove ogni hanno circa 400mila donne resort to 'operation to increase breast, are there many discussion groups to advise on suitable bra, the most beautiful or even the most daring decolletage to give light to new'. The brands and recommended sites where you can buy online are many. We start from the most famous Victoria's Secret : born in 1977 in the United States is a brand of women's clothing that is also dedicated to lingerie. E 'known to have had as a testimonial of models like Gisele Bundchen and Adriana Lima. If you make a trip in the United States will not fail to find a shop, or you can order via the Internet. Ujena another site is very appreciated by American women for bras, as well as Frederick's of Hollywood or without The . In Italy we defend well with The Pearl, located at much-appreciated 'abroad. If you are looking instead for something more daring you can try your breasts Henry and June or with sexy bikini Ujena or lingerie Designer Intimates. Always remember that the measures are different bra in the U.S. compared to 'Italy. We measure in I, II, III, IV (first, second, third, fourth and so on) alongside even the size of the cup , identified by a letter. In the U.S. however, you start with a number, from 30 to 44, accompanied by a letter. Have a 'look a questo articolo , qui ci sono tutte le tabelle di conversione, quindi c'è da calcolare la circonferenza del torace, il volume del seno e la conformazione del torace.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

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How long do the implants' s operation to increase breast

Molte donne si chiedono quanto possano durare le protesi in un operazione di aumento seno. La realtà si è sempre mischiata alla leggenda quando si è parlato di rotture di protesi al silicone sull 'aereo, seni che si sgonfiavano perdendo consistenza e atro. Per cui è bene fare chiarezza. Le protesi che si usano nella mastoplastica non sono eterne. Ricordate la pubblicità: “un diamante è per sempre” ?
Ecco, per le protesi non è così. Molte women are aware that implants can break down over time and therefore should be sostituite.S ia those who use silicone or saline in both of the drops can be formed in the shells which are covered with rubber, or you can form scar tissue around the implants. Sometimes this same scar hardens and can crush them, causing pain and deformation of the breast. The saline implants can cause visible undulations then formed under the skin. In short, the risk to go under the knife in a relatively short time after the first operation to increase breast there.
Surgeons of the U.S. American Society of Plastic Surgeons interviewed about the duration of breast implants have not been able to answer certain and definitive. " do not know what they can last for breast implants or ," said Dr. Stephen Li who works in Sarasota. " producers show us a date of ten years. The new implants are not worse than the old, in fact, should work better , "says Dr. Li. In any case, the producing companies such as Allergan and Mentor warranty for 10 years on their prostheses.
Caroline Van Hove, vice president of communications for Allergan, said that less than one third of the operations of "reopening" of the breast were associated with problems related to implants. In the same study, however, the Hove has said that 28% Women resorted to interventions to increase breast silicone implants have had to perform a second operation within six years after the first. However 95% of patients felt satisfied.
Dr. Linda Huang Denver plastic surgeon usually makes it clear to their patients that implants in the breast should be replaced after 10-15 years. In each case a 'replacement operation should not be difficult even though there may be complications, especially if you have to do with the old prosthesis.
" If the shell that covers broke and leaked silicone is must clean it up," said Dr. Susan E. Kolb surgeon in Atlanta. "To remove the fabric cicatriziale che è andato ad aderire ai muscoli e al tessuto fibroso che copre le costole, alcuni dottori possono erroneamente rimuovere troppo muscolo oppure tropp tessuto del seno, a questo punto si possono causare delle deformità al petto ”.

Monday, May 4, 2009

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Le tecniche piu' in voga e le misure piu' richieste per un aumento seno

Lo scorso mese l' American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) ha effettuato un sondaggio tra i propri chirurghi per capire quali sono le richieste che maggiormente arrivano dalle pazienti che si preparano per un' operazione di aumento seno ed i trends piu' in voga.
La preferenza ad avere un seno che appaia "naturale" is what is the most popular. For example, the average size of breast implants more 'used by surgeons from 300 to 400 cc. which translates into a third full measure . On the more technical side we have seen that the maggioraprte surgeons, 60 per cent increase in breast implant prostheses under the chest muscle, rather than on top of muscle this to give a natural inclination to the chest wall .

dell'ASAPS The survey also found that 64% of surgeons prefer to make an incision near the crease under the breast. Although there are other options, especially around the areola of the nipple, with the incision under the breast pero ' the surgeon has excellent access to enter the breast implant.
The big surprise is the fact that many plastic surgeons, even here the 60 per cent, and their patients continue to choose saline implants rather than those with silicone gel. The numbers would be even if they were not piu'alti their patients to specify that you want a silicone implants for breast augmentation them. Why this happened
of saline solution? Probably because most seem to feel 'softer,' close to the feeling of touching a real breast and not a reconstructed breast, also with physiological saline breast implants have a lower incidence of contractures capsular.

Despite the adoption in 2006 by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for the ok to silicone implants, it seems that there is a lack of confidence in the use of these devices by American surgeons in the techniques of increase in the breast. Or the choice is simply the result of habit?
Whatever the reason, the president of the ASAPS noted that the success of an intervention depends more and more 'by the surgical technique appropriate to the type of patient rather than the type of prosthesis. Trust and then to a good surgeon.

Monday, April 27, 2009

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Un kit che vi permette di vedere come apparirete dopo un operazione di aumento seno

Women dubious about a breast enhancement operation now have an ally in piu '. If you still you are undecided, if you can not imagine a size or two more 'arrival in America is a kit that allows you to try on your skin or how it would look better on your breasts after surgery. At least that's what the kit promises of Allergan Inc and Natrelle called their "pre consultant kit.
Patients with this kit may have the perspective of how their breasts will be after the operation. The box consists of a detailed brochure where you'll find information on Intervention to increase breastfeeding, a DVD with a series of videos but above all a padded bra with 4 different types of implants interchangeable of various sizes. Patients can So '"prove" what it means to be a size' or living with an oversized breasts. Jeffrey Moore, the creator of the product for Natrelle says that the kit is a good initial approach for those who want to use a breast enhancement operation. The kit is available to order via the Internet and costs $ 39.95 more 'postage.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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Un aumento del seno porta benefici sul posto del lavoro?

It 's nice to believe that we will stand against the world of work relying on their talent, on their ability, professionalism, commitment applied consistently, but probably not enough. It takes more. The beauty? Perhaps even sure.
Bitter lawyer, a specialized site di avvocati, ha chiesto nello specifico, alle donne americane se un'operazione chirurgica di aumento seno possa portare benefici nel lavoro .
Il 58% delle intervistate ha risposto in maniera affermativa, per il 23% è " totalmente irrilevante " e il 19% dice che è " un suicidio della carriera ".
Stiamo parlando di una carriera lavorativa particolare del mondo femminile, quella degli avvocati donna. Negli Stati Uniti le "avvocatesse" debbono mostrarsi sicure, intraprendenti,aggressive nell'affrontare le loro cause. L'intervento di aumento seno a questo punto puo' risultare utile per qualcuna di loro. I chirurghi americani nei loro 350mila interventi del 2008 hanno confermato che "una decent percentage "of their customers practiced the profession of lawyer.
Laura Triplett, a professor who does courses on" social implications of their appearance "at California State University at Fullerton, said the new impact it will have made a woman for breast enlargement his office will depend on the sex of her employer: "It is obvious that the positive impact it will have a greater degree than if his head is a man." If the boss was a woman but there might be a critical reaction.

In a study conducted by the University of Florida, researchers found that there is a positive correlation between a woman who resorts to a breast enhancement and increased self-recorded later. All cio'si translates to more business success? "It , 'says Denise, a lawyer who wants to keep his identity anonymous, on Bitter Lawyer." Mano the passing of the years I always felt less safe when I then implanted breast implants, I felt better and I think that everyone has had positive impacts on my work .
According to the plastic surgeon Sharon Giese there is a relationship between those who resort to 'increase breast for more' chance at work and who does not and on how many sizes increase in desire. " career women just want a bigger size while the others are asking for two more '." To Dr. Giese a larger size is sufficient to improve the perception of sense of self, 'you need to tackle their jobs better.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Aumento seno con le cellule staminali

We had already discussed the possibility of replacing the silicone implants with excess fat removed from his body for an operation to increase breast, called lipofilling: http://aumentoseno.blogspot.com / 2009/03/tecniche-alternative-per-l-aumento-seno.html

Now the technique invented by Cytori received recognition at patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the U.S. company in collaboration with GE Healthcare is about to test it in England also if for the moment only on patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Professor Kefah Mokbel Breast Institute at the Princess Grace hospital in London, which will test the technique with the increase in breast lipofilling enriched by the stem, will operate 10 patients from May 2009.
" It 'a real step forward in breast enhancement surgery ," Mokbel said in an interview with the Times: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article5993187.ece " the breast treated with stem cells is more 'natural because the fabric has the same softness as the rest of mammelle.Le implants are an object foreign to our body, can make long-term complications and require replacing them, "says Dr. English reporters. lipofilling technique, remember, allows only modest increases in breast volume increase even if Mokbel believes will improve in the future," we are optimistic, when we get a raise a breast size in the future are not known, will depend on stem cells we are working . "The doctor is confident that the new therapy is safe and ensuring that, after 30 operations will be approved by the London Breast Institute to offer it to other patients privately.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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Operazione di aumento seno all'estero

is nothing new. Already some years after the fall of the wall of the Hungarian dentists had learned to speak a few words of Italian. Needed. Each day increase the demands of the Italians who came to Budapest to rebuild bridges or crowns, but now the health tourism has also expanded to plastic surgery. They are in fact many women who go abroad for an 'operation to increase breast. The advantages are well known: the saving. An intervention to increase breast can 'cost up to ten thousand euro in Italy, fully paid by the patient, the economic support of the national health service, unless this is not an aesthetic, are obviously not intended.
no bother and arrive in India, Brazil or the United States of America who have already 'an turismodel being well developed, Italian women look around you. L ' Estonia is a country with many centers of surgical reconstruction, is a one hour flight and technically speaking is not doing badly. Belgrade former Yugoslavia and now Serbia, is another city much frequented by Italian patients. After the war he tried to get up 'and now boasts the best nightlife in Europe, is a perennial construction of palaces and hotels and its aesthetic surgeons are more and more' established itself.
But the lion's share seems to make the Tunisia. Holiday destination is now much in vogue as a reference for the operations of breast augmentation.
" I found myself very well," said Tiziana di Roma, una radio ascoltattrice intervenuta in diretta su Radio Dj nella trasmissione mattutina di Platinette del 25 marzo 2009. " In Italia mia avevano chiesto 8500 per un intervento di aumento seno. Avevo un problema di simmetria ed esteticamente il mio seno era bruttissimo, un problema che mi portavo dall'adolescenza. Potevo andare anche "in convenzione" con le strutture pubbliche ma in quel caso l'attesa era di 6 anni. Mi sono affidata ad un'agenzia italiana che ha fatto da mediatrice per il mio intervento in Tunisia. Li' mi sono trovata benissimo, assistita 24 ore su 24, i medici erano francesi e la struttura fantastica. Per una settimana di soggiorno, intervento breast, accommodation for the passenger in a hotel in 5 stars, with air travel I've spent 3500 €. absolutely do it again. "
Professor Maurizio Vignola, under whose hands have passed many of the stars of the show, but warns' from 'frantic quest of the' lowest 'low." The lowest cost is always a reason, can' be due to poor quality of the prosthesis. A bill is then rely on a physician who has thirty years of experience, but more of a boy who has just done a course of several months abroad.
in the balance of convenience c 'is to be added also that in the case of any corrections and
rare post-operative intervention for di aumento seno, la scomodità è garantita, cosi' come le spese di nuovi viaggi che dovranno essere affrontate.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

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tecniche alternative per l' aumento seno , il lipofilling

E' il sogno di tutte le donne che sperano in un'operazione di aumento seno per risolvere i loro problemi: quello di sostituire le protesi mammarie al silicone con il loro adipe in eccesso preso da altre parti del corpo. In pratica prelevare del grasso in surplus ad esempio da cosce o glutei, per spostarlo invece dove si è carenti, il seno. Una cosa è impiantare nel proprio corpo un organo estraneo, cosi' puo' essere considerata una protesi mammaria di gel di silicone, altra e sapere che la mastoplastica viene effettuata in maniera "naturale" spostando soltanto "Fat."
Gia 'for many years someone was talking about this, but to give further confirmation of a possible intervention is the Therapeutic Cytori, U.S. company listed on the Nasdaq, which is responsible for regenerative medicine.
Americans use for their speeches fat taken from the pelvis or belly, is rich in stem cells, and after the "Treaty" injected into the breast to increase breast. The procedure is not new, someone had tried in the past, but fat cells veniveno reabsorbed by the body of the patient within a few months, making it unnecessary intervention. This time, the stem cells are making a difference and Cytori has found a way to isolate them and make them act without being reabsorbed. Independent research presented in Japan in March 2008 and carried out by Tatsuro Kamakura, MD, Chief Medical Officer of "Cosmetic Surgery Seishin" showed that there are good reasons for hope: three women who underwent the operation after three months had a breast soft and tonic, plus the equivalent of approximately 4 cm size and a half times more '. In each breast of the three girls were injected with approximately 260 ml of fat treated with stem cells. The same doctors now, after a year, will check if the breasts have maintained size and flexibility without the fat has been absorbed. The system of Cytori
called Celution is uttilizzato for other types of pathologies and surgical reconstruction and should be gia'disponibile in Germany. Someone
pero 'warns patients by this technique to increase the breast. " It 's a new procedure, which still needs trials and studies," doctors said in chorus. Recalling that 550 cc of fat to implant will need a minimum of 1200-1500 cc liposuction for skinny patients is not available.

Monday, March 16, 2009

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aumento seno ? solo per le maggiorenni

Cosi 'decided the Undersecretary of Health and Social Policy Francesca Martini that, along with some medical specialists, is to produce guidelines for those who want to resort to a di aumento seno.
" In un'esplosione della chirurgia estetica come fattore di costume è fondamentale informare le pazienti sui fattori di rischio. Dobbiamo ricordarci che è un trattamento medico, ancora di piu' quando parliamo di chirurgia, quindi le possibili controindicazioni devono essere sempre valutate ". Ha dichiarato il sottosegretario.
In Italia, come nel resto del mondo, si è registrato negli ultimi anni un incremento di donne che per ragioni estetiche decidono di ricorrere al chirurgo per operazioni di aumento seno. Da un recente sondaggio della Swg infatti è emerso che una donna su tre ammette di essere scontenta del proprio aspetto fisico, il 36% delle minorenni non si piace e di queste il 17% non è soddisfatta of their breasts. In general, 49% of respondents believe that a prosperous breast increases self-esteem by improving the perception of self, although 60% of women have reported they have enough knowledge about breast implants el '87% of respondents, however, is in favor of legislation prohibiting such actions for minors.
add us today for underage girls need parental consent for an 'operation to increase breast.
" We want to establish a national registry of breast implants, which ensures the traceability indicating the materials used for implants, the number of operations, facilities where these are made and the outcome of themselves. Everything 'to get an accurate epidemiological picture, while respecting the privacy of patients but also in continued commitment to protecting and safeguarding women's health ., "Says Francesca Martini.
Italian doctors have agreed to stop all 'increase breast to the minors. 87% of surgeons said it "strongly supports" the bill drafted by the Secretary. E', according to a survey conducted by 'Quotivadis', informative newsletter on-line scientific and medical information .
Some of the doctors but 'expresses doubts about the effectiveness of the text. 11%, for example, is not' conducive to the guidelines, but believes that there is still important parental consent (which are already 'and' expected). Among the doctors there 'then who, even if only 1%, rejected the measure.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Video in 3d su aumento seno

Today we want to tell you this video that, with the help of graphic techniques in 3D reconstructed roughly as an intervention is done to increase the breast. E 'in English, but quite understandable. In
network then you will find many videos about the breast augmentation, if not impress you a little bit of blood even this will 'lluminante.
How is the reconstruction is to insert a prosthesis in a "pocket" created by surgery, behind the mammary gland or behind the pectoral muscle. You can 'access dall'areola around the nipple, the inframammary fold or even more pushing' in the ', from the armpit.
The incisions are hidden and unseen because it corresponds to the natural folds of the breast or armpit. The increase in breast implants are in most cases filled with silicone gel or externally coated with silicone in them with a saline solution. In the past, were also used other substances such as soybean oil, hydro, etc. but have been abandoned over the years.
It 'important to know that implants do not develop tumors, they explode in flight and that, in the case of mammography, it should warn the radiologist because a study may provide more 'in depth. The silicone is not harmful to the body and does not generate noise, however, after an operation to increase breast you can 'have a periprosthetic fibrous reaction, or an exuberant healing around the implant causing hardening of the breasts and, rarely, pain, a typical expression of intolerance to the tissues by the body.
Or, at least after the first ten years after surgery, could be a break in the hearing that with the release of the gel will cause 'a distortion of the breast, thus will' necessary to repeat the surgery.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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Aumento seno dopo una mastectomia, le tecniche: protesi definitiva

E 'unfortunately necessary sometimes, after an illness, remove the entire mammary gland, in technical terms a practice mastectomy.
This decision is not due to the severity of the disease but 'in relation to anatomical location, the volume of the breast and tumor size.
There are several surgical techniques for breast reconstruction after mastectomy and increased. The choice depends on the condition of the muscles and skin from possible radiation treatments and also by the preferences of patients. Today

analyze breast reconstruction with protesi definitiva :
Si tratta della tecnica chirurgica più semplice per ricostruire una mammella e aumentare il seno. E' possibile a certe condizioni: la pelle deve essere soffice, elastice e abbondante, il muscolo grande pettorale deve essere integro e ben sviluppato, inoltre la mammella controlaterale deve essere di piccole dimensioni. Infatti non è possibile impiantare protesi per aumento seno di dimensioni superiori ai 200/250 cc circa.
Di solito l'incisione chirurgica ripercorre la cicatrice gia' precedentemente creata con l'intervento di asportazione della mammella e attraverso questa si crea uno spazio al di sotto del muscolo pettorale, le suture sono effettuate senza punti esterni che lasciano cicatrici evidenti.
The operation lasts for a short hour and e'fissata hospital in three days.
Advantages: relatively simple technique, no scars, only surgery increased between mastectomy and breast implants.
Disadvantages: can reconstruct only small breasts and youthful appearance of the inframammary fold is not well defined and rarely achieves a perfect symmetry with the other breast.
Complications are rare. A reaction of scar tissue that surrounds the breast implant is a bit more 'frequent when compared to other techniques and its possible correction requires a subsequent surgery.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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Chi non ha bisogno di un aumento seno: Asia Argento vincitrice del miglior decolte' dell'anno

E 'of Breast Asia Argento's most beautiful' year. He established the site Mr. Skin has once again given his Annual Anatomy Awards, now in its tenth edition . The actress
Roman happens to British model Keeley Hazell , winner in 2008, and Salma Hayek other beauty shapes Juno wins' award two years ago. Mr. Skin
Jurors did not remain insensitive to the "forms" Silver highlighted especially in the three films examined by boarding "Old Mistress Une " (French film directed by Catherine Breillat), "Boarding Gate " and " the third mother (you see the trailer).
The Italian defeated Mischa Barton and Sophie Monk, two other beauties that certainly have not resorted to surgery to increase within sight of their youthful and natural prosperity.

the Oscar for best naked in a film went to Marisa Tomei, that "The Wrestler " and at the ripe of 43 years, he left everyone was taken aback by a scene of lapdance breathtaking, leaving behind rivals such as Angelina Jolie, nominated for "The Changeling " and Kate Winslet, nominated for "The Reader .
Who is certainly resorted to for increasing breast chiururgo Katie Morgan was winner in the category "best porn star" while the best lower back to the jury was to A nna Faris became famous for his series of "Scary Movie .
There was also an Oscar curious, what was awarded Lauren Lee Smith for his scene " Pathology " has won the "best dead naked body."
The list of all the award winners here .

Monday, March 2, 2009

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Alternative alla chirurgia per un aumento seno.

On the internet, pharmacy, in erboristeria e ora anche nei supermercati spopolano i prodotti che garantiscono un aumento naturale del seno se usati con costanza. Si tratta il più delle volte di pillole da ingerire (a base di malto, luppolo, fieno greco) o creme da spalmare (guam ad esempio) e far assorbire sulle mammelle. Sono prodotti per niente economici anche se appaiono tali di fronte alla spesa da affrontare per un operazione chirurgica (tra i 6.000 e 10.000 euro). Dal Giappone è poi arrivata la bust-up-gum , un semplice chewing-gum che se masticato tre o quattro volte al giorno ha il potere di aumentare il volume del vostro seno.
Molte sono le detrattrici di queste pillole che loro indicano come “del tutto inutili” other women instead argue that the effects are noticed, a breast augmentation is the result, however, 'can not be immediate but it takes perseverance and patience.

An 'alternative market is the recently arrived Macrolane . This is a drug based on hyaluronic acid that is used for Body Shaping in general, not only for breast but also in the buttocks and face. We need once again the hand of an experienced surgeon to inject the gel filler on the breast that can 'increase by one size. You do not require hospitalization and after about an hour the patient can 'exit the doctor's office to return to work after 3 days. The effect looks great but its duration is limited at 12-18 months, after which 'we must go back to the doctor for new injections.
The cost is high: in fact, for an operation to increase breast with Macrolane we need 200 ml of product for spending more than € 2 thousand, which are then added to the surgeon's bill. Not all the breast treated with hyaluronic acid can 'present in mammography and ultrasound features of cystic, is feel good, in case of analysis, the radiologist.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

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Aumento seno e allattamento, ci sono problemi?

Many women interested in an intervention to increase breast will surely be asked what risks may present in the mammoplasty surgery 'breastfeeding their future child.
The fears are well known: it can 'pass into the silicone baby through the milk and be ingested? Little could develop disease?
We tried to analyze the breast milk of postpartum women who had resorted to a rise and those without breast implants. There has been a finding of increase in the first case of silicon. It must be said that nowadays, in our environment, silicon compounds are present in a large scale and therefore it is difficult to determine if any presence in milk is due to breast implants or environmental pollution.
For Dr. Cerqueira Javier Mosquera breastfeeding is compatible with silicone breast implants which do not harm the development of the baby.
The problem, however, for those who resorted to a surgeon for the operation of breast augmentation can 'be linked to the shape of breasts that will be presented later. And 'well known that the volume of the breast at the time of' bringing breastfeeding increases the skin and supporting tissues of the prosthesis to pull and dispose of it slightly. At the end of the feeding, when the volume yields to move back in the pre birth, you may need an intervention mastopexia, which is the surgical procedure that lifts and shapes breasts relaxed. It 'made with local anesthesia and leaves no scars. Here
speigato because many mothers before resorting to the scalpel to increase your breasts, need to have weaned their young and then enjoy the new take-off without the risk of relaxation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

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Who are the patients who want to increase breast

There are about 25 000 women each year in Italy rely on the hands of surgeons to seek an increase in the breast. The surveys were conducted by the SWG on a sample group of 500 women aged between 16 and 45 years. The desire to 'touch' of the Italian seems to focus mainly on 'breast augmentation. Even 49% of the respondents admitted that a nice cleavage increases self-esteem and about a third of them would be willing to surgery to reshape.

We now identikit of potential patients: seeking breast augmentation are women, mostly young, healthy and upper-middle socioeconomic status. More often are married with children. Many of them obviously have reported greater difficulty in self acceptance of their physical appearance in a variety of situations. The studies also suggest that women who undergo an operation for breast augmentation may have been the subject of psychotherapy, have low self-esteem and a higher prevalence of depression associated, in extreme cases, suicide attempts. During

after surgery for breast augmentation survey on mental health and quality of life of patients segnalato l'incremento di una serie di fattori, tra cui: salute fisica, aspetto fisico, vita sociale, fiducia in se stessi, autostima e miglioramento di soddisfazione sessuale. Un'occhiata a lungo termine pero' suggerisce che questi incrementi possono essere transitori, eccezione fa l'aumento di autostima nel campo sessuale.

La maggior parte delle pazienti comunque, a lungo andare, riferisce di essere soddisfatta dell'intervento chirurgico e sarebbe disposta a ripeterlo.

Fonti wikipedia usa

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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EMEA suspends sale of Raptiva (efalizumab)

Monday, February 9, 2009 - Genentech informed physicians of a case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient treated with Raptiva ( xagena.it and xagena.it )

Monday, February 23, 2009 - L 'EMEA (European Medicines Agency) has recommended the sospensione dell’autorizzazione alla commercializzazione di Raptiva ( Efalizumab ) della ditta Merck Serono. Il Comitato per i Prodotti Medicinali per Uso Umano ( CHMP ) dell’EMEA ha concluso che allo stato attuale delle conoscenze i benefici di Raptiva non superano più i rischi ; questi ultimi includono la possibile insorgenza di leucoecefalopatia multifocale progressiva ( PML ) nei pazienti in trattamento col farmaco.

I medici non devono effettuare nessuna nuova prescrizione per Raptiva e devono rivalutare il trattamento dei pazienti che attualmente stanno assumendo il farmaco in maniera da stabilire le alternative più appropriate; devono accertarsi che i pazienti che hanno ricevuto Raptiva siano attentamente esaminati per sintomi neurologici e di infezione. I pazienti che attualmente stanno assumendo Raptiva non devono interrompere il trattamento in maniera brusca, ma devono fissare un appuntamento con il proprio medico in maniera da discutere la terapia sostitutiva più adatta. ( xagena.it )

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A study of mechanisms of action UVB-NB

Ultra-violet light B (UVB) therapy has been used by dermatolgists to treat psoriasis for decades. Only a few studies have begun to dissect the mechanism of how NB-UVB therapy causes lesion resolution. Results from this study will aid in identifying other diseases that may be treated successfully with NB-UVB. If we can identify the mechanism of action of this therapy, this may give us additional new therapeutic targets for psoriasis and other diseases. Our overall hypothesis is that UVB induces changes that will indicate a mechanism of action of this therapy in psoriasis.

Primary Outcome Measures:
  • The primary outcome is genomic analysis of lesional skin biopsies, in a time course experiment,by microarray and RT-PCR. [ Time Frame: End of study ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]

Secondary Outcome Measures:
  • cell counts of leukocytes populations in skin biopsies including (but not limited to) myeloid dendritic cells (CD11c and CD1c/BDCA-1), plasmacytoid dendritic cells (BDCA-2/CD123), macrophages (CD163), and T cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, Foxp3, RORγ). [ Time Frame: End of study ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • Effects of NB-UVB on NL skin will be determined by comparison of microarray analysis of NL skin biopsies throughout treatment. [ Time Frame: End of study ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • To determine if there is a set of genes that can predict response, expressed in circulating PBMCs, we will perform microarray on baseline PBMCs, and compare the gene sets for responders and non-responders (discriminant analysis). [ Time Frame: End of study ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
  • To evaluate if treatment causes an altered ratio of Th17:Tregs in the circulation and skin, We Will Perform intracellular cytokine staining by flow cytometry on peripheral blood and from the shave biopsy. [Time Frame: Before and after treatment] [Designated as safety issue: No]

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Interdigital psoriasis (psoriasis alba)

Interdigital psoriasis (psoriasis alba) is an atypical and rare type of psoriasis is often undiagnosed because it confused with other skin diseases or fungus. A trial
now wants to study the real impact.

Has anyone experienced this type of psoriasis?


1: Mommers JM, Seyger MM, van der Vleuten CJ, van de Kerkhof PC. Interdigital psoriasis (psoriasis alba): Renewed attention for a neglected
disorder. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 Aug; 51 (2) :317-8.
2: Waisman M. Interdigital psoriasis (psoriasis white "). Arch Dermatol. November 1961; 84:733-40. No abstract available.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

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New drugs: the FDA is more cautious

The FDA has requested more time to decide whether to approve Ustekinumab , a monoclonal antibody of Johnson & Johnson for the treatment of psoriasis, going against the advice of its experts. ( xagenasalute.it )

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

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Un nuovo topico per la psoriasi: IP10:C8

E 'match the phase II for a new topical medication that would act at the same time inhibiting the dipeptidyl peptidase IV and aminopeptidase N.

The drug, whose acronym is provisional IP10: C8, deriva da un brevetto della tedesca Immune Technologies and Medicine ( IMTM ) chiamato Peptidase Targeted Immune Regulation (PETIR™)

PETIR™ therapy involves the combined inhibition of two peptidases that are chiefly responsible for immune response (DPIV and APN families), by using dual inhibitors. PETIR™ is realized by the use of single NCEs that combine both inhibitory modes of action into a single substance.

This completely new approach acts both, on central regulatory mechanisms of the immune system, by activation of regulatory T cells and direct inhibition of activation and proliferation of activated immune effector cells. This holds true for TH1 as well as TH2 mediated immune responses.