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Increase Breast transaction prices, the money spent after a

The price of an operation to increase breast are highly variable and may be influenced by different components. We now give a rough idea for the sum to be spent on future patients. Last year the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has made a calculation, a breast augmentation has cost an average of 4 thousand dollars with 4500 and saline implants with implants silicone. Since we can do a conversion to the euro 1 to 1 computing in the United States breast operations are cheaper, and then the average price in Italy is between 4 thousand and € 4500 .

This is the premise. We go into the details and try to understand what are the individual costs that create the final price of an 'operation to increase breast.
-examination and analysis of pre-operative . Usually the visit will be deducted from the final cost, but the analysis you need to do before the surgery include blood, urine, ECG and sometimes chest plates. Cost about 150 €.
- prosthesis. The cost of a prosthesis for breast depends on two factors: the size, how much material is then used and the component with which they are made. A silicone implants is about 30% more than saline. Cost about € 800/1300.
-surgeon, anesthesiologist, operating room . It 's the most important piece, one that makes up the final price. To perform a breast augmentation will need a 'medical team made up by then' anesthesiologist, the surgeon who will perform the operation and at least a couple of other figures such as medical instruments operating in an operating room presa in affitto o di proprietà del centro medico dove si effettua l'intervento.Costo circa 2500/3500 euro.
-Bendaggi, medicinali ed eventualmente seno contenitivo post-operatorio . Costo circa 100 euro.

Ovviamente i prezzi per rifarsi il seno possono variare e specialmente lievitare verso l'alto. Come avete notato la parte più importante del costo deriva dall' onorario dei medici. Quindi la fama di un buon chirurgo fa la differenza. Così come differenze ci possono essere se la mastoplastica viene effettuata al sud Italia in città ad esempio come Napoli o Palermo, dove la vita è meno cara o al Nord come Bologna, Milano o Torino. Per non parlare di coloro che effettuano un'operazione di aumento seno all' estero . Li' si può risparmiare anche il 50% del prezzo, ma c'è da mettere in conto il viaggio, il soggiorno e fidarsi del medico che opererà.


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