Sunday, May 31, 2009

When A Scorpio Loses Interest

How long do the implants' s operation to increase breast

Molte donne si chiedono quanto possano durare le protesi in un operazione di aumento seno. La realtà si è sempre mischiata alla leggenda quando si è parlato di rotture di protesi al silicone sull 'aereo, seni che si sgonfiavano perdendo consistenza e atro. Per cui è bene fare chiarezza. Le protesi che si usano nella mastoplastica non sono eterne. Ricordate la pubblicità: “un diamante è per sempre” ?
Ecco, per le protesi non è così. Molte women are aware that implants can break down over time and therefore should be sostituite.S ia those who use silicone or saline in both of the drops can be formed in the shells which are covered with rubber, or you can form scar tissue around the implants. Sometimes this same scar hardens and can crush them, causing pain and deformation of the breast. The saline implants can cause visible undulations then formed under the skin. In short, the risk to go under the knife in a relatively short time after the first operation to increase breast there.
Surgeons of the U.S. American Society of Plastic Surgeons interviewed about the duration of breast implants have not been able to answer certain and definitive. " do not know what they can last for breast implants or ," said Dr. Stephen Li who works in Sarasota. " producers show us a date of ten years. The new implants are not worse than the old, in fact, should work better , "says Dr. Li. In any case, the producing companies such as Allergan and Mentor warranty for 10 years on their prostheses.
Caroline Van Hove, vice president of communications for Allergan, said that less than one third of the operations of "reopening" of the breast were associated with problems related to implants. In the same study, however, the Hove has said that 28% Women resorted to interventions to increase breast silicone implants have had to perform a second operation within six years after the first. However 95% of patients felt satisfied.
Dr. Linda Huang Denver plastic surgeon usually makes it clear to their patients that implants in the breast should be replaced after 10-15 years. In each case a 'replacement operation should not be difficult even though there may be complications, especially if you have to do with the old prosthesis.
" If the shell that covers broke and leaked silicone is must clean it up," said Dr. Susan E. Kolb surgeon in Atlanta. "To remove the fabric cicatriziale che è andato ad aderire ai muscoli e al tessuto fibroso che copre le costole, alcuni dottori possono erroneamente rimuovere troppo muscolo oppure tropp tessuto del seno, a questo punto si possono causare delle deformità al petto ”.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Decostone Lead Poisoning

Le tecniche piu' in voga e le misure piu' richieste per un aumento seno

Lo scorso mese l' American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) ha effettuato un sondaggio tra i propri chirurghi per capire quali sono le richieste che maggiormente arrivano dalle pazienti che si preparano per un' operazione di aumento seno ed i trends piu' in voga.
La preferenza ad avere un seno che appaia "naturale" is what is the most popular. For example, the average size of breast implants more 'used by surgeons from 300 to 400 cc. which translates into a third full measure . On the more technical side we have seen that the maggioraprte surgeons, 60 per cent increase in breast implant prostheses under the chest muscle, rather than on top of muscle this to give a natural inclination to the chest wall .

dell'ASAPS The survey also found that 64% of surgeons prefer to make an incision near the crease under the breast. Although there are other options, especially around the areola of the nipple, with the incision under the breast pero ' the surgeon has excellent access to enter the breast implant.
The big surprise is the fact that many plastic surgeons, even here the 60 per cent, and their patients continue to choose saline implants rather than those with silicone gel. The numbers would be even if they were not piu'alti their patients to specify that you want a silicone implants for breast augmentation them. Why this happened
of saline solution? Probably because most seem to feel 'softer,' close to the feeling of touching a real breast and not a reconstructed breast, also with physiological saline breast implants have a lower incidence of contractures capsular.

Despite the adoption in 2006 by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for the ok to silicone implants, it seems that there is a lack of confidence in the use of these devices by American surgeons in the techniques of increase in the breast. Or the choice is simply the result of habit?
Whatever the reason, the president of the ASAPS noted that the success of an intervention depends more and more 'by the surgical technique appropriate to the type of patient rather than the type of prosthesis. Trust and then to a good surgeon.