Thursday, March 19, 2009

Penile Exam By Female Doctor

tecniche alternative per l' aumento seno , il lipofilling

E' il sogno di tutte le donne che sperano in un'operazione di aumento seno per risolvere i loro problemi: quello di sostituire le protesi mammarie al silicone con il loro adipe in eccesso preso da altre parti del corpo. In pratica prelevare del grasso in surplus ad esempio da cosce o glutei, per spostarlo invece dove si è carenti, il seno. Una cosa è impiantare nel proprio corpo un organo estraneo, cosi' puo' essere considerata una protesi mammaria di gel di silicone, altra e sapere che la mastoplastica viene effettuata in maniera "naturale" spostando soltanto "Fat."
Gia 'for many years someone was talking about this, but to give further confirmation of a possible intervention is the Therapeutic Cytori, U.S. company listed on the Nasdaq, which is responsible for regenerative medicine.
Americans use for their speeches fat taken from the pelvis or belly, is rich in stem cells, and after the "Treaty" injected into the breast to increase breast. The procedure is not new, someone had tried in the past, but fat cells veniveno reabsorbed by the body of the patient within a few months, making it unnecessary intervention. This time, the stem cells are making a difference and Cytori has found a way to isolate them and make them act without being reabsorbed. Independent research presented in Japan in March 2008 and carried out by Tatsuro Kamakura, MD, Chief Medical Officer of "Cosmetic Surgery Seishin" showed that there are good reasons for hope: three women who underwent the operation after three months had a breast soft and tonic, plus the equivalent of approximately 4 cm size and a half times more '. In each breast of the three girls were injected with approximately 260 ml of fat treated with stem cells. The same doctors now, after a year, will check if the breasts have maintained size and flexibility without the fat has been absorbed. The system of Cytori
called Celution is uttilizzato for other types of pathologies and surgical reconstruction and should be gia'disponibile in Germany. Someone
pero 'warns patients by this technique to increase the breast. " It 's a new procedure, which still needs trials and studies," doctors said in chorus. Recalling that 550 cc of fat to implant will need a minimum of 1200-1500 cc liposuction for skinny patients is not available.


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