Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maysore Mallige Flower

Operazione di aumento seno all'estero

is nothing new. Already some years after the fall of the wall of the Hungarian dentists had learned to speak a few words of Italian. Needed. Each day increase the demands of the Italians who came to Budapest to rebuild bridges or crowns, but now the health tourism has also expanded to plastic surgery. They are in fact many women who go abroad for an 'operation to increase breast. The advantages are well known: the saving. An intervention to increase breast can 'cost up to ten thousand euro in Italy, fully paid by the patient, the economic support of the national health service, unless this is not an aesthetic, are obviously not intended.
no bother and arrive in India, Brazil or the United States of America who have already 'an turismodel being well developed, Italian women look around you. L ' Estonia is a country with many centers of surgical reconstruction, is a one hour flight and technically speaking is not doing badly. Belgrade former Yugoslavia and now Serbia, is another city much frequented by Italian patients. After the war he tried to get up 'and now boasts the best nightlife in Europe, is a perennial construction of palaces and hotels and its aesthetic surgeons are more and more' established itself.
But the lion's share seems to make the Tunisia. Holiday destination is now much in vogue as a reference for the operations of breast augmentation.
" I found myself very well," said Tiziana di Roma, una radio ascoltattrice intervenuta in diretta su Radio Dj nella trasmissione mattutina di Platinette del 25 marzo 2009. " In Italia mia avevano chiesto 8500 per un intervento di aumento seno. Avevo un problema di simmetria ed esteticamente il mio seno era bruttissimo, un problema che mi portavo dall'adolescenza. Potevo andare anche "in convenzione" con le strutture pubbliche ma in quel caso l'attesa era di 6 anni. Mi sono affidata ad un'agenzia italiana che ha fatto da mediatrice per il mio intervento in Tunisia. Li' mi sono trovata benissimo, assistita 24 ore su 24, i medici erano francesi e la struttura fantastica. Per una settimana di soggiorno, intervento breast, accommodation for the passenger in a hotel in 5 stars, with air travel I've spent 3500 €. absolutely do it again. "
Professor Maurizio Vignola, under whose hands have passed many of the stars of the show, but warns' from 'frantic quest of the' lowest 'low." The lowest cost is always a reason, can' be due to poor quality of the prosthesis. A bill is then rely on a physician who has thirty years of experience, but more of a boy who has just done a course of several months abroad.
in the balance of convenience c 'is to be added also that in the case of any corrections and
rare post-operative intervention for di aumento seno, la scomodità è garantita, cosi' come le spese di nuovi viaggi che dovranno essere affrontate.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Penile Exam By Female Doctor

tecniche alternative per l' aumento seno , il lipofilling

E' il sogno di tutte le donne che sperano in un'operazione di aumento seno per risolvere i loro problemi: quello di sostituire le protesi mammarie al silicone con il loro adipe in eccesso preso da altre parti del corpo. In pratica prelevare del grasso in surplus ad esempio da cosce o glutei, per spostarlo invece dove si è carenti, il seno. Una cosa è impiantare nel proprio corpo un organo estraneo, cosi' puo' essere considerata una protesi mammaria di gel di silicone, altra e sapere che la mastoplastica viene effettuata in maniera "naturale" spostando soltanto "Fat."
Gia 'for many years someone was talking about this, but to give further confirmation of a possible intervention is the Therapeutic Cytori, U.S. company listed on the Nasdaq, which is responsible for regenerative medicine.
Americans use for their speeches fat taken from the pelvis or belly, is rich in stem cells, and after the "Treaty" injected into the breast to increase breast. The procedure is not new, someone had tried in the past, but fat cells veniveno reabsorbed by the body of the patient within a few months, making it unnecessary intervention. This time, the stem cells are making a difference and Cytori has found a way to isolate them and make them act without being reabsorbed. Independent research presented in Japan in March 2008 and carried out by Tatsuro Kamakura, MD, Chief Medical Officer of "Cosmetic Surgery Seishin" showed that there are good reasons for hope: three women who underwent the operation after three months had a breast soft and tonic, plus the equivalent of approximately 4 cm size and a half times more '. In each breast of the three girls were injected with approximately 260 ml of fat treated with stem cells. The same doctors now, after a year, will check if the breasts have maintained size and flexibility without the fat has been absorbed. The system of Cytori
called Celution is uttilizzato for other types of pathologies and surgical reconstruction and should be gia'disponibile in Germany. Someone
pero 'warns patients by this technique to increase the breast. " It 's a new procedure, which still needs trials and studies," doctors said in chorus. Recalling that 550 cc of fat to implant will need a minimum of 1200-1500 cc liposuction for skinny patients is not available.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bugatti Veyron Quarter Mile Time

aumento seno ? solo per le maggiorenni

Cosi 'decided the Undersecretary of Health and Social Policy Francesca Martini that, along with some medical specialists, is to produce guidelines for those who want to resort to a di aumento seno.
" In un'esplosione della chirurgia estetica come fattore di costume è fondamentale informare le pazienti sui fattori di rischio. Dobbiamo ricordarci che è un trattamento medico, ancora di piu' quando parliamo di chirurgia, quindi le possibili controindicazioni devono essere sempre valutate ". Ha dichiarato il sottosegretario.
In Italia, come nel resto del mondo, si è registrato negli ultimi anni un incremento di donne che per ragioni estetiche decidono di ricorrere al chirurgo per operazioni di aumento seno. Da un recente sondaggio della Swg infatti è emerso che una donna su tre ammette di essere scontenta del proprio aspetto fisico, il 36% delle minorenni non si piace e di queste il 17% non è soddisfatta of their breasts. In general, 49% of respondents believe that a prosperous breast increases self-esteem by improving the perception of self, although 60% of women have reported they have enough knowledge about breast implants el '87% of respondents, however, is in favor of legislation prohibiting such actions for minors.
add us today for underage girls need parental consent for an 'operation to increase breast.
" We want to establish a national registry of breast implants, which ensures the traceability indicating the materials used for implants, the number of operations, facilities where these are made and the outcome of themselves. Everything 'to get an accurate epidemiological picture, while respecting the privacy of patients but also in continued commitment to protecting and safeguarding women's health ., "Says Francesca Martini.
Italian doctors have agreed to stop all 'increase breast to the minors. 87% of surgeons said it "strongly supports" the bill drafted by the Secretary. E', according to a survey conducted by 'Quotivadis', informative newsletter on-line scientific and medical information .
Some of the doctors but 'expresses doubts about the effectiveness of the text. 11%, for example, is not' conducive to the guidelines, but believes that there is still important parental consent (which are already 'and' expected). Among the doctors there 'then who, even if only 1%, rejected the measure.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Miley Cyrus Belly Showing

Video in 3d su aumento seno

Today we want to tell you this video that, with the help of graphic techniques in 3D reconstructed roughly as an intervention is done to increase the breast. E 'in English, but quite understandable. In
network then you will find many videos about the breast augmentation, if not impress you a little bit of blood even this will 'lluminante.
How is the reconstruction is to insert a prosthesis in a "pocket" created by surgery, behind the mammary gland or behind the pectoral muscle. You can 'access dall'areola around the nipple, the inframammary fold or even more pushing' in the ', from the armpit.
The incisions are hidden and unseen because it corresponds to the natural folds of the breast or armpit. The increase in breast implants are in most cases filled with silicone gel or externally coated with silicone in them with a saline solution. In the past, were also used other substances such as soybean oil, hydro, etc. but have been abandoned over the years.
It 'important to know that implants do not develop tumors, they explode in flight and that, in the case of mammography, it should warn the radiologist because a study may provide more 'in depth. The silicone is not harmful to the body and does not generate noise, however, after an operation to increase breast you can 'have a periprosthetic fibrous reaction, or an exuberant healing around the implant causing hardening of the breasts and, rarely, pain, a typical expression of intolerance to the tissues by the body.
Or, at least after the first ten years after surgery, could be a break in the hearing that with the release of the gel will cause 'a distortion of the breast, thus will' necessary to repeat the surgery.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blue And White Monokinis

Aumento seno dopo una mastectomia, le tecniche: protesi definitiva

E 'unfortunately necessary sometimes, after an illness, remove the entire mammary gland, in technical terms a practice mastectomy.
This decision is not due to the severity of the disease but 'in relation to anatomical location, the volume of the breast and tumor size.
There are several surgical techniques for breast reconstruction after mastectomy and increased. The choice depends on the condition of the muscles and skin from possible radiation treatments and also by the preferences of patients. Today

analyze breast reconstruction with protesi definitiva :
Si tratta della tecnica chirurgica più semplice per ricostruire una mammella e aumentare il seno. E' possibile a certe condizioni: la pelle deve essere soffice, elastice e abbondante, il muscolo grande pettorale deve essere integro e ben sviluppato, inoltre la mammella controlaterale deve essere di piccole dimensioni. Infatti non è possibile impiantare protesi per aumento seno di dimensioni superiori ai 200/250 cc circa.
Di solito l'incisione chirurgica ripercorre la cicatrice gia' precedentemente creata con l'intervento di asportazione della mammella e attraverso questa si crea uno spazio al di sotto del muscolo pettorale, le suture sono effettuate senza punti esterni che lasciano cicatrici evidenti.
The operation lasts for a short hour and e'fissata hospital in three days.
Advantages: relatively simple technique, no scars, only surgery increased between mastectomy and breast implants.
Disadvantages: can reconstruct only small breasts and youthful appearance of the inframammary fold is not well defined and rarely achieves a perfect symmetry with the other breast.
Complications are rare. A reaction of scar tissue that surrounds the breast implant is a bit more 'frequent when compared to other techniques and its possible correction requires a subsequent surgery.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Motorhome Satellite System

Chi non ha bisogno di un aumento seno: Asia Argento vincitrice del miglior decolte' dell'anno

E 'of Breast Asia Argento's most beautiful' year. He established the site Mr. Skin has once again given his Annual Anatomy Awards, now in its tenth edition . The actress
Roman happens to British model Keeley Hazell , winner in 2008, and Salma Hayek other beauty shapes Juno wins' award two years ago. Mr. Skin
Jurors did not remain insensitive to the "forms" Silver highlighted especially in the three films examined by boarding "Old Mistress Une " (French film directed by Catherine Breillat), "Boarding Gate " and " the third mother (you see the trailer).
The Italian defeated Mischa Barton and Sophie Monk, two other beauties that certainly have not resorted to surgery to increase within sight of their youthful and natural prosperity.

the Oscar for best naked in a film went to Marisa Tomei, that "The Wrestler " and at the ripe of 43 years, he left everyone was taken aback by a scene of lapdance breathtaking, leaving behind rivals such as Angelina Jolie, nominated for "The Changeling " and Kate Winslet, nominated for "The Reader .
Who is certainly resorted to for increasing breast chiururgo Katie Morgan was winner in the category "best porn star" while the best lower back to the jury was to A nna Faris became famous for his series of "Scary Movie .
There was also an Oscar curious, what was awarded Lauren Lee Smith for his scene " Pathology " has won the "best dead naked body."
The list of all the award winners here .

Monday, March 2, 2009

Where I Find Tay Du Ky

Alternative alla chirurgia per un aumento seno.

On the internet, pharmacy, in erboristeria e ora anche nei supermercati spopolano i prodotti che garantiscono un aumento naturale del seno se usati con costanza. Si tratta il più delle volte di pillole da ingerire (a base di malto, luppolo, fieno greco) o creme da spalmare (guam ad esempio) e far assorbire sulle mammelle. Sono prodotti per niente economici anche se appaiono tali di fronte alla spesa da affrontare per un operazione chirurgica (tra i 6.000 e 10.000 euro). Dal Giappone è poi arrivata la bust-up-gum , un semplice chewing-gum che se masticato tre o quattro volte al giorno ha il potere di aumentare il volume del vostro seno.
Molte sono le detrattrici di queste pillole che loro indicano come “del tutto inutili” other women instead argue that the effects are noticed, a breast augmentation is the result, however, 'can not be immediate but it takes perseverance and patience.

An 'alternative market is the recently arrived Macrolane . This is a drug based on hyaluronic acid that is used for Body Shaping in general, not only for breast but also in the buttocks and face. We need once again the hand of an experienced surgeon to inject the gel filler on the breast that can 'increase by one size. You do not require hospitalization and after about an hour the patient can 'exit the doctor's office to return to work after 3 days. The effect looks great but its duration is limited at 12-18 months, after which 'we must go back to the doctor for new injections.
The cost is high: in fact, for an operation to increase breast with Macrolane we need 200 ml of product for spending more than € 2 thousand, which are then added to the surgeon's bill. Not all the breast treated with hyaluronic acid can 'present in mammography and ultrasound features of cystic, is feel good, in case of analysis, the radiologist.