ZIGHI, nel buio di una cantina per 11 anni!
Zighi is a small male dog of 13 years, about 10/12 kg. His fate has been marked by human madness. Zighi puppy was taken to compensate for the pain of a death in the family and, for the first two years everything went well ... But when a child is born in the family, the dog has been relegated to the dark cellar of the building. How strange ... could have made for a new place, but decided to close it in the damn basement. Zighi no longer existed for no one to eleven years! No one knew it was there, he was good, did not even bark, waiting ... brought him a meager bowl of soup each day and again the darkness and solitude ...!
Now Zighi, thanks to the efforts of a lady animal was removed to the old owners and lives in a retirement where an emergency is followed by the volunteers. As soon as she got out of his cubicle like a compressed spring, could not wait to smell the grass, to pee on the lawn and walking, sembra impossibile ma Zighi ha delle risorse straordinarie, reagisce e vuole vivere, essere allegro, amato e coccolato. Chi lo vorrà adottare dovrà porre all’inizio attenzione allo stress che ha subito il piccolo Zighi e avere la calma di dargli la serenità e il calore che gli sono da sempre mancati; dovrà cercare di fargli recuperare i corretti rapporti interpersonali. Ora Zighi ha bisogno al più presto di una famiglia che lo adotti e gli faccia vivere gli ultimi anni della sua vita IN MODO DIGNITOSO, ma soprattutto ALLA LUCE DEL SOLE!
Zighi si trova a Parma. Per informazioni e adozione si può contattare l'ENPA Parma: Chiara 347.0361628 - chiara@enpaparma.it , Katia 347.873 0433 - massimo.maderi@teletu.it oppure il sito www.enpaparma.it . Verranno effettuati controlli pre e post adozione e verrà fatto firmare il modulo di affido.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Best Way To Masterbate
BAKY, in canile dal 2001. Diamo anche a lei una speranza!
Baky è una splendida femminuccia di taglia media. Il suo ingresso in canile risale al 2001: sono nove anni che è reclusa. Baky vuole essere liberata, attualmente si trova in un canile PRIVATO. Aiutatela a trovare famiglia!
Baky si trova nelle Marche, ma è adottabile in tutto il centro e nord Italia. Per informazioni e adozione: 333.5451716 vdisabatino@alice.it - 335.7023654 catherine.grellet@tin.it - massimo.maderi @ teletu.it - mhoolt@yahoo.com
Baky è una splendida femminuccia di taglia media. Il suo ingresso in canile risale al 2001: sono nove anni che è reclusa. Baky vuole essere liberata, attualmente si trova in un canile PRIVATO. Aiutatela a trovare famiglia!
Baky si trova nelle Marche, ma è adottabile in tutto il centro e nord Italia. Per informazioni e adozione: 333.5451716 vdisabatino@alice.it - 335.7023654 catherine.grellet@tin.it - massimo.maderi @ teletu.it - mhoolt@yahoo.com
How To Wire A Powered Subwoofer
Giro di Sardegna 2011 - Stage 5 - Final kilometers (climb Gesturi)
Sagan won the Tour of Sardinia, the most beautiful race Scarponi Cunego a really perky.
Sagan won the Tour of Sardinia, the most beautiful race Scarponi Cunego a really perky.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Free Smanth Anderison
ADELE, dolcissima segugia che continua ad amare la vita
sweet and helpless hound, Adele is fantastic! It is a medium sized dog, unfortunately, no longer young, but very good and dear; get along with everybody and loves everybody, even though life has been unfair to her, making her end up in kennels. You look confident and walk in with two big eyes full of love, can not but be impressed! Due to its docile nature is also suitable for families with children. Get to know we are sure you snatch your heart!
Adele was born probably in 1998 and is located at the kennel Mariano Comense (CO) by way of Radizzone 104. Adoptions in Como near Milan and signed form of foster care and pre and post adoption. For information: Association "Friends of stray" - 031.751653 (possibly leaving a voicemail message), www.gliamicidelrandagio.it or 333.2579047 - 347.1813436 (evening) - piccola_mika@yahoo.it
sweet and helpless hound, Adele is fantastic! It is a medium sized dog, unfortunately, no longer young, but very good and dear; get along with everybody and loves everybody, even though life has been unfair to her, making her end up in kennels. You look confident and walk in with two big eyes full of love, can not but be impressed! Due to its docile nature is also suitable for families with children. Get to know we are sure you snatch your heart!
Adele was born probably in 1998 and is located at the kennel Mariano Comense (CO) by way of Radizzone 104. Adoptions in Como near Milan and signed form of foster care and pre and post adoption. For information: Association "Friends of stray" - 031.751653 (possibly leaving a voicemail message), www.gliamicidelrandagio.it or 333.2579047 - 347.1813436 (evening) - piccola_mika@yahoo.it
Friday, February 25, 2011
Can You Buy Valium Over The Counter In Canada
ARIETE, entrato in canile da cucciolo...
Aries is a senior cagnolone very loving, sweet, quiet as all the granny. Abandoned as a puppy with his brothers, has lived all his life in kennels. It is impounded in a shelter which unfortunately will soon release from seizure, its adoption is urgent ...
Aries is in the kennel Sgurgola (FR), but for a good and loving adoption take him all over central and northern Italy after checking preaffido willingness to entrust post. For information and adoption: Stefania 333.2676595 aclonlus1@gmail.com - Giuliana 333.3355868 (from 18.00 to 20.00) adozioni@associazionecanilazio.it - www.associazionecanililazio.it
Dogs inmates (for years) into the kennel Sgurgola (FR) were transferred to other shelters from the town of Frosinone Frosinone, che per la legge è il loro proprietario. Passare da un canile ad un altro, per un cane, significa stress, necessità di riadattarsi dentro ad una gabbia diversa, con compagni diversi, cibo diverso... significa che l'equilibrio psico-fisico faticosamente ottenuto è di nuovo a rischio... e questo noi non lo vogliamo! Dobbiamo riuscire a far adottare il maggior numero di cani possibile! Per loro cerchiamo sia adozioni definitive che stalli e chiediamo a tutti, privati e associazioni, di fare uno sforzo e darci una mano in questa impresa. Per adozioni e stalli si può scrivete all'indirizzo e-mail aclonlus1@gmail.com
Aries is a senior cagnolone very loving, sweet, quiet as all the granny. Abandoned as a puppy with his brothers, has lived all his life in kennels. It is impounded in a shelter which unfortunately will soon release from seizure, its adoption is urgent ...
Aries is in the kennel Sgurgola (FR), but for a good and loving adoption take him all over central and northern Italy after checking preaffido willingness to entrust post. For information and adoption: Stefania 333.2676595 aclonlus1@gmail.com - Giuliana 333.3355868 (from 18.00 to 20.00) adozioni@associazionecanilazio.it - www.associazionecanililazio.it
Dogs inmates (for years) into the kennel Sgurgola (FR) were transferred to other shelters from the town of Frosinone Frosinone, che per la legge è il loro proprietario. Passare da un canile ad un altro, per un cane, significa stress, necessità di riadattarsi dentro ad una gabbia diversa, con compagni diversi, cibo diverso... significa che l'equilibrio psico-fisico faticosamente ottenuto è di nuovo a rischio... e questo noi non lo vogliamo! Dobbiamo riuscire a far adottare il maggior numero di cani possibile! Per loro cerchiamo sia adozioni definitive che stalli e chiediamo a tutti, privati e associazioni, di fare uno sforzo e darci una mano in questa impresa. Per adozioni e stalli si può scrivete all'indirizzo e-mail aclonlus1@gmail.com
Famosas Mexicanas Singando
Saturday Confienza - UDACE season opener, the Province of Pavia
Sabato 26 febbraio 2010 a Confienza (PV)si terrà il 12° G.P. Edilferro Robbiese.
Categorie: tutte + Fci.
Ritrovo ore 12.00 Bar Centrale corso Vitt. Emanuele.
Partenza ore 13.30 Gentlemen;
ore 13.35 Supergentlemen a/b, Donne a/b;
ore 15.15 Cadetti,Junior,Senior;
ore 15.20 Veterani
Premi: 70 in natura. Org: Asd Ciclisti Vigevanesi 333-4825849
al 1° Cesto prodotti tipici + Super Magnum·
dal 2° al 15° Borsa in natura (Classifica unica)
SENIOR: 1° Cesto prodotti tipici + Sorpresa, dal 2° al 12° Borsa in natura
VETERANS: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature
GENTLEMEN: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature
S. A GENTLEMEN: 1 basket of typical products + Surprise, from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature GENTLEMEN S. B: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature WOMEN: 1 basket of typical products from 2A to 3A bag nature
Present: Daniel
Sabato 26 febbraio 2010 a Confienza (PV)si terrà il 12° G.P. Edilferro Robbiese.
Categorie: tutte + Fci.
Ritrovo ore 12.00 Bar Centrale corso Vitt. Emanuele.
Partenza ore 13.30 Gentlemen;
ore 13.35 Supergentlemen a/b, Donne a/b;
ore 15.15 Cadetti,Junior,Senior;
ore 15.20 Veterani
Premi: 70 in natura. Org: Asd Ciclisti Vigevanesi 333-4825849
al 1° Cesto prodotti tipici + Super Magnum·
dal 2° al 15° Borsa in natura (Classifica unica)
SENIOR: 1° Cesto prodotti tipici + Sorpresa, dal 2° al 12° Borsa in natura
VETERANS: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature
GENTLEMEN: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature
S. A GENTLEMEN: 1 basket of typical products + Surprise, from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature GENTLEMEN S. B: 1 typical + Surprise Gift Basket from 2 ° to 10 ° bag nature WOMEN: 1 basket of typical products from 2A to 3A bag nature
Present: Daniel
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Is Yeduc Approved By The Fda
STELLA e SPOTTY, una coppia innamorata... il loro sogno si è infranto, aiutiamoli!
10/26/2010 Simon wrote: "Today is one of the worst day of my life. Spotty and Stella's dream was shattered: in April a very good family had called for them. For the year-end, as soon as the new house would be ready, our lovebirds had to go home. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond the family, serious problems, they can not take any more. And I'm desperate. In five years of appeals, I received one call ... now what?!?! Who is willing to adopt two dogs in couples, not young ... not beautiful ... who?? They have only one fault, that so much to love and to be inseparable ... rather than remain in kennel ... but if one were to morire?? Cosa sarebbe di chi rimane solo? Non ci posso neppure pensare perché il cuore mi si stringe e inizio a piangere. Vi prego di aiutarmi a diffondere il loro appelllo, a stampare se potete il volantino (ndA. lo trovate QUI ) e ad appenderlo ovunque potete. Stella e Spotty non possono parlare... diamo noi voce a loro, vi prego. Qui c'e' la loro storia... aiutatemi vi prego."
La storia di Stella e Spotty ha dell'incredibile: entrambi erano stati affidati a due famiglie diverse, prima Stella, poi Spotty... ma sono scappati tutti e due subito dalla nuova casa. Dopo le nostre ricerche, tramite volantini e appelli radio e nelle tv locali, siamo riusciti a recuperare tutti e due, per fortuna! Star after five months, after a week Spotty. When Stella was adopted, Spotty was sad, and vice versa. In the evening we recovered Spotty and we reported in kennels, when he and Stella have been reviewed, have begun to give one thousand ponds ... TOO SOFT! Then we realized that the two lovebirds can not be separated and their adoption will be strictly in pairs, we can not separate them die because of love. Together we are confident that there would try to escape.
do not need many words ... just look at the photos. Both dogs are sweet and a bit 'timid, but after the first stroke melt! Spotty and Stella are in love, but in their heart there is a place for you, you have a place for them in your heart? Both dogs are of medium to small sized, have about 8 years. Vaccinated, microchipped and Stella is sterilized. They love to go for a walk ... and sleep together ... I'm really cute! Our biggest fear is that one of them die in kennels, and who will be really hard ... would be different if they were family. Help us to give new life to our chips!
Spotty and Stella are in the shelter to Gorzone Darfo (BS). For information and adoption: Simona 349.4974181 (after 18.00 or weekend always on) - simona_a75@libero.it , Sally 347.8603088 - sallydibben@alice.it or visit www.rifugiodigorzone.it (dove potete trovare altre foto e video di Stella e Spotty!)
10/26/2010 Simon wrote: "Today is one of the worst day of my life. Spotty and Stella's dream was shattered: in April a very good family had called for them. For the year-end, as soon as the new house would be ready, our lovebirds had to go home. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond the family, serious problems, they can not take any more. And I'm desperate. In five years of appeals, I received one call ... now what?!?! Who is willing to adopt two dogs in couples, not young ... not beautiful ... who?? They have only one fault, that so much to love and to be inseparable ... rather than remain in kennel ... but if one were to morire?? Cosa sarebbe di chi rimane solo? Non ci posso neppure pensare perché il cuore mi si stringe e inizio a piangere. Vi prego di aiutarmi a diffondere il loro appelllo, a stampare se potete il volantino (ndA. lo trovate QUI ) e ad appenderlo ovunque potete. Stella e Spotty non possono parlare... diamo noi voce a loro, vi prego. Qui c'e' la loro storia... aiutatemi vi prego."
La storia di Stella e Spotty ha dell'incredibile: entrambi erano stati affidati a due famiglie diverse, prima Stella, poi Spotty... ma sono scappati tutti e due subito dalla nuova casa. Dopo le nostre ricerche, tramite volantini e appelli radio e nelle tv locali, siamo riusciti a recuperare tutti e due, per fortuna! Star after five months, after a week Spotty. When Stella was adopted, Spotty was sad, and vice versa. In the evening we recovered Spotty and we reported in kennels, when he and Stella have been reviewed, have begun to give one thousand ponds ... TOO SOFT! Then we realized that the two lovebirds can not be separated and their adoption will be strictly in pairs, we can not separate them die because of love. Together we are confident that there would try to escape.
do not need many words ... just look at the photos. Both dogs are sweet and a bit 'timid, but after the first stroke melt! Spotty and Stella are in love, but in their heart there is a place for you, you have a place for them in your heart? Both dogs are of medium to small sized, have about 8 years. Vaccinated, microchipped and Stella is sterilized. They love to go for a walk ... and sleep together ... I'm really cute! Our biggest fear is that one of them die in kennels, and who will be really hard ... would be different if they were family. Help us to give new life to our chips!
Spotty and Stella are in the shelter to Gorzone Darfo (BS). For information and adoption: Simona 349.4974181 (after 18.00 or weekend always on) - simona_a75@libero.it , Sally 347.8603088 - sallydibben@alice.it or visit www.rifugiodigorzone.it (dove potete trovare altre foto e video di Stella e Spotty!)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Pic Of A Warts When Is Dying
FEDELE ci sta chiedendo: perché devo morire in canile?
Questo bellissimo e buonissimo pastore tedesco di 10 anni vi supplica di farlo uscire dalla gabbia che lo tiene prigioniero dal 27/05/2009, dopo essere stato sequestrato per maltrattamenti. Ha bisogno di una famiglia e di tanto amore. Va d'accordo con le femmine, non con gli altri maschi; di recente è stato avvicinato ad alcuni gatti e non ha mostrato interesse.
Fedele si trova nel canile di Genova ed è adottabile solo a Genova e provincia. Per informazioni e adozione: Clara 335.319969 - 010.6043815 - clara.patrone@email.it
Questo bellissimo e buonissimo pastore tedesco di 10 anni vi supplica di farlo uscire dalla gabbia che lo tiene prigioniero dal 27/05/2009, dopo essere stato sequestrato per maltrattamenti. Ha bisogno di una famiglia e di tanto amore. Va d'accordo con le femmine, non con gli altri maschi; di recente è stato avvicinato ad alcuni gatti e non ha mostrato interesse.
Fedele si trova nel canile di Genova ed è adottabile solo a Genova e provincia. Per informazioni e adozione: Clara 335.319969 - 010.6043815 - clara.patrone@email.it
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Whiplash And Pregnancy
NERO, un cucciolo travestito da gigante!
Noir is a blend of Belgian shepherd male, of large size. In spite of the scale, Black is a baby dressed as a giant! He loves to cuddle, is very obedient and sweet, sometimes fearful, so that if you caresses, and starts to land! Absolutely wasted in kennels, a dog walks in the mountains, swim in the rivers ... a beautiful and loyal dog! Still afraid to go on a leash, but we're working on and has already improved a lot. Nobody notices him only because he is black ... yet he has a disarming sweetness! IDEAL
ADOPTION: at home with large garden cui lui possa correre e giocare... adatto veramente a tutti, ottimo anche per la guardia... con un gigante così non potete non sentirvi protetti!
Nero è nato nel 2002 e si trova a Chiari (BS); si affida preferibilmente in Lombardia, ma si valutano adozioni in tutto il centro nord! Per informazioni e adozione: rifugio.rusticobelfiore@gmail.com oppure www.rusticobelfiore.it - Rifugio Rustico Belfiore su Facebook
Noir is a blend of Belgian shepherd male, of large size. In spite of the scale, Black is a baby dressed as a giant! He loves to cuddle, is very obedient and sweet, sometimes fearful, so that if you caresses, and starts to land! Absolutely wasted in kennels, a dog walks in the mountains, swim in the rivers ... a beautiful and loyal dog! Still afraid to go on a leash, but we're working on and has already improved a lot. Nobody notices him only because he is black ... yet he has a disarming sweetness! IDEAL
ADOPTION: at home with large garden cui lui possa correre e giocare... adatto veramente a tutti, ottimo anche per la guardia... con un gigante così non potete non sentirvi protetti!
Nero è nato nel 2002 e si trova a Chiari (BS); si affida preferibilmente in Lombardia, ma si valutano adozioni in tutto il centro nord! Per informazioni e adozione: rifugio.rusticobelfiore@gmail.com oppure www.rusticobelfiore.it - Rifugio Rustico Belfiore su Facebook
Monday, February 21, 2011
Brazillian Wax With Hemorrhoids
UGO e BIRBA, vecchietti piccoli e malati a Lamezia Terme
Questi due piccoli vecchietti hanno la bellezza di 12 anni.
Birba, femmina sterilizzata, ha un'ernia non operabile; Ugo little walk and suffers from leishmania. They both love to be alone, do not bark and do not create any problems. One can hope for adoption of the heart for them?
Ugo and Birba are at Lamezia Terme (CZ) at the Refuge Fairy of the National League for the Defence of the Dog. For information and adoption: Elizabeth 340.5910203 or 347.3033884 Francesca - francescascerbof@libero.it
Questi due piccoli vecchietti hanno la bellezza di 12 anni.
Birba, femmina sterilizzata, ha un'ernia non operabile; Ugo little walk and suffers from leishmania. They both love to be alone, do not bark and do not create any problems. One can hope for adoption of the heart for them?
Ugo and Birba are at Lamezia Terme (CZ) at the Refuge Fairy of the National League for the Defence of the Dog. For information and adoption: Elizabeth 340.5910203 or 347.3033884 Francesca - francescascerbof@libero.it
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Female Wrestling Session
PELÉ ha perso la voglia di giocare, aiutiamolo to find it!
Pelé has for many years in kennels. It is called this because the whole time he kept the ball rolling, but now no longer has a great desire to play (on your own is not fun) and it stopped ... You very polite, obedient and quiet, gets along with everyone.
Pelé, medium in size, is at the kennel Ossaia (found also on Facebook ) in the province of Arezzo, but is adopted wherever there is love for him. For further information: Stefania 339.1713973 - info@canileossaia.org - www.canileossaia.org
Pelé has for many years in kennels. It is called this because the whole time he kept the ball rolling, but now no longer has a great desire to play (on your own is not fun) and it stopped ... You very polite, obedient and quiet, gets along with everyone.
Pelé, medium in size, is at the kennel Ossaia (found also on Facebook ) in the province of Arezzo, but is adopted wherever there is love for him. For further information: Stefania 339.1713973 - info@canileossaia.org - www.canileossaia.org
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Difference Between Carl Zeiss And Sony Lens
This old dog has nothing ... it is urgent to take her away from the kennel!
This dog is a female and 9 years ... the lady is dead ... the daughter said to take her to the kennel because she can not think and does not want to deal with it. Accustomed to the couch, had to endure rain and cold stall in the garden that volunteers were able to get her to Meadow, but some days even this system has failed and she ended up in kennels.
is a bit 'suspicious, but after two minutes cagnolona melts and is a very quiet: it is good, it does not pull on the leash and do not even try to escape from the fence. It is too disoriented and afraid: first would need to be inside a house ... and restore the fixed point ... He has 9 years has lost everything in a few days, let's help please ...
It is located in Prato, but adoption is the heart and carry anywhere, if this could make them a bit 'of the affection he had. For information and adoption: Carlotta 347.2455792 - carlottadavi@libero.it - www.adozioneanimalitoscana.blogspot.com
This dog is a female and 9 years ... the lady is dead ... the daughter said to take her to the kennel because she can not think and does not want to deal with it. Accustomed to the couch, had to endure rain and cold stall in the garden that volunteers were able to get her to Meadow, but some days even this system has failed and she ended up in kennels.
is a bit 'suspicious, but after two minutes cagnolona melts and is a very quiet: it is good, it does not pull on the leash and do not even try to escape from the fence. It is too disoriented and afraid: first would need to be inside a house ... and restore the fixed point ... He has 9 years has lost everything in a few days, let's help please ...
It is located in Prato, but adoption is the heart and carry anywhere, if this could make them a bit 'of the affection he had. For information and adoption: Carlotta 347.2455792 - carlottadavi@libero.it - www.adozioneanimalitoscana.blogspot.com
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wife Stronger Than Husband
Psoriasis on Pazienti.org
Today is the second part of my exit interview Pazienti.org for psoriasis.
One begins to get into issues affecting also the main theme of this blog.
Today is the second part of my exit interview Pazienti.org for psoriasis.
One begins to get into issues affecting also the main theme of this blog.
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