Massage with essential oils to increase the breast prosthesis increase and firm up the breast is a problem that is partially controlled by us since it depends on the fatty tissue that gives our breasts their shape. Keep the top line of the breast in teens as a tonic and involves a lot of patience and hard work must begin as a very young age.
pectoral muscles that are not required for training are showing signs of slowing down or dropping a line. A good exercise for breast enlargement
, the chest, is to massage the breasts in the water and out.
Essential oils can be helpful, along with exercise and treatment with cold water or ice cold contracted tissues.
Spray breasts or using a cup of ice in a circular motion around the breast to the outside and continues applying an oil massage . Massage is the best way to help prevent stretch marks caused by the fluctuation of the weight of the breasts.
essential oils to increase and firm up the breast:
The best oils to use for the base of the breast are those of avocado and almond. To prepare the massage oils used one drop of essential oil per milliliter of base oil.
Dilute three drops of cypress oil a teaspoon of witch hazel. Add this mixture to a bowl of cold water or cold water in a bowl and sprinkle the breasts alternatively, at least 10 times each. This is done to allow the alternating contraction and dilation. Then massage the breast in a circular motion from the inside out, with this formula:
Fennel: 12 drops Geranium
: 5 drops lemongrass
: 10 drops
sage Clary: 3 drops
diluted in 30ml of base oil
This firming treatment must be done every day after the exercises
for breast augmentation.
If you do not do it to pay the method of the cup of ice on the breasts, use the jet shower of cold water directly on the breast.