I pick the invitation of Barbara, who talks about his experience and provides a wealth of documentation about it:
From about 5 months. I'm drinking a fruit juice 100% all natural, made from mangosteen juice, fruit of Southeast Asia with incredible properties. Before you try it I did some research, I gathered material, and then I jumped. My psoriasis is disappearing and my physique has drawn enormous benefits (for example. I have regularized the gut, I have more energy, have lost weight). But my family and friends have experienced great positive changes in their health, I could tell her experiences as diverse as people with diabetes in which blood glucose is lowered, people who have settled cholesterol, my husband is missing even a cyst.
- http://www.pubmed.gov/ (or trying xanthones xanthones + Garcinia mangostana)
- www.ammim.org site of a team of Mexican doctors studied only the Garcinia mangostana (scientific name of the fruit from which the product) that leads to knowledge is not limited to studies performed, but also a multitude of stories from people who have had benefits taking this product. They are classified by pathology. The site is in English, of course, but you can translate directly from the home page allows choosing the Italian idiom.
- www.mangosteenmd.com site in English highly regarded in the medical field where to find more detailed information on studies performed. In a section of the site speaks Dr. Templeman (called Mangosteen Doctor), a leading expert with regard to the properties of the Mangosteen.
- www.cancer.org American Cancer Society's website, where you have different information by typing in the search string "mangosteen juice" www.mangosteenjuicetestimonials.wordpress.com another site in English where to find very many examples.
- www.scopertescientifiche.com another site to navigate.
- www.xango.com is the official website of Xango, English Inside there is a link that allows access to the official blog. The Italian site www.xango.it was activated in early November, a month of opening of the Italian market.
- site information www.reginadellafrutta.it racchiude molte informazioni interessanti ed รจ in costante aggiornamento.